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CBHA Members

The following hunts are signed up members, fully committed to the CBHA Format and Protocols.  The fact that you know of a clean boot hunt that is not signed up to the CBHA does NOT mean they are doing anything illegal OR inhumane. Although the CBHA was formed over a year ago, we are only now (June 2024) moving up from just a Facebook presence, to a full website that will support and promote those hunts wishing to join an active association.

The South Downs Bloodhounds (SDB)


Kennelled between Alton and Petersfield, in Hampshire, the SDB were founded by their current Master and Huntsman, Mr Jeremy Whaley in 2004. This hunt operates regularly in Hampshire, West Sussex, Dorset and Wiltshire, but they are happy to hunt anywhere that someone is kind enough to invite them.  They have even hunted in Scotland twice!  The hunt is easily recognisable by their hunt staff's mustard uniform.  Click on the picture to go to their website.

The South Downs Bloodhounds
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